Patrick did have a memory recall in January, tubing at Solider Hollow with the kids. That is his first memory recall he has had with the kids. That was very exciting.
Patrick is now able to drive by himself around Heber City. He is suppose to stay off Main street and stick to the back and side roads. He is not suppose to drive if the weather is bad. But if you know Patrick, he does not listen all the time and he is suborn. That has not changed and his personality is definitely back. So many blessing, but still we have our trials. Everyone does, life is a challenge and a blessing.
Needless to say, it can be very stimulating out there. I think we are all overstimulated! Patrick picks up the kids and runs them around town for me. He can run errands but nothing to over stimulating.
Patrick goes to the Post office, Tractor Supply, recycling, pick up kids, get dogs medicine, and UPS. I am very lucky he can drive, although it scares me. I have learned to let go and give him his independence. He is very helpful around the house. Patrick looks fine, a lot of people think he can work because he looks great! He can ski, and do anything physical he did before his heart attack. But he can not work. It is called a brain injury and they are all different. He went through many tests and therapy. He is unable to work. The kids and I love that he is home with us all the time! We love having him home and around to spend time with us.
I wish I could explain it better or help people understand his brain injury. He can not work due to his short term memory and his cognitive issues. I have to tell him what to do. He does great when I give him a list. He struggles if I just tell him what needs to be done. He does not remember. With a list, he has something to look at and he crosses it off as he gets things done. He is pretty funny because sometimes he does not like to do things, so he won't. I don't blame him.
In January, we had a great month of skiing, especially for not having any snow. It was the lowest snow fall since I have lived here. But the resorts did a great job providing enough snow to ski. In February, it was warm and then it was freezing cold. We didn't ski much in February, but then March came, we finally got some snow and even some powder days. March was a great month, the kids went with us a lot. For spring break we had a staycation and skied and went to the theater and saw the Riverdance. We had a great week.
This does not mean he can't do anything, he just can't work for someone else, Dr.'s orders and no one could possibly understand unless you lived with him. He keeps very busy and helps us a ton! He has a wonderful schedule and when he sticks to it, it is a good day.
He still does not remember his memories before his heart attack. He has had very few memory recalls and sometime I wonder if they are from photos he has seen or he remembers us talking about situations.
I do know that some are definitely memory recalls, most of them from his childhood. We are so grateful he has his muscle memory and is able to do all the physical activities he loves to do.
Patrick sticks to his schedule and he is very helpful, he helps me take care of my mom, which is huge. I tell him that is his job is helping me with my mom and doing things around the house and I pay him so he feels good about it all. He is contributing.
The biggest challenge I have with Patrick is he needs to rest his brain and he refuses. He does not want to miss a thing. Then he gets irritated and then he starts yelling. We have family meetings often to address and communicate. It is frustrating for all of us, but we are all doing our best. It is hard on every single one of us. This has been a journey for all of us in the family, we are blessed in a way for what we have all learned, we are truly understanding the meaning of Love!
I am struggling coming upon the year anniversary of my father passing, my mother declining and my husband's slow recovery. My kids are growing up way too fast, but all in all, we are all very blessed.
At the end of the day I am grateful to have my family home safe at home and that they are all healthy.

The school year is coming to and end, Kent will be in high school next year, Kellan will be in 7th and Karly will be in 5th grade. I can't believe how fast time goes. Kent asked me the other day what I was going to do when they were all gone. I have so much to do, and told him not to worry.
Patrick continues to do therapy everyday! He is working really hard to get better. In December we started light therapy for both my mother and Patrick. I have seen positive changes in my mother and in Patrick, but more with my mother and her issues. So it is working and over time, we are hopeful and have faith it will work for Patrick. He still uses essential oils everyday and they are so supportive. He absolutely loves the light therapy. To learn more about or try light therapy click here. To learn more about essential oils click here or contact me for more information.
We have a lot of projects and adventures planned for the summer....
I know everyone has hardships, challenges and frustrations. Just remember to learn from them, be positive and love everything you can. Be grateful for what you have and count your blessings. Most of all remember you are not alone and someone out there has it worse then you do. When you need help or prayers, ask! Also remember to help and pray for others. Love over Fear is our new affirmation. Love heals everything. Don't get wrapped up in the drama, turn to love and everything will be okay. Have Faith and Trust! God and the universe has your back!
God Bless You....until next time.
Kollette and Patrick